
Launch your concept to market with a view to continuously collecting feedback to evolve your product, service and business.

Understand how to explore new partnerships as well as create change in your organisation.

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Test the proposition with all the resources in place

Launch to Learn

pilot launch build test testing ideo


Explore different partnerships that can increase system effectiveness

Imagine New Partnerships

stakeholder collaboration alignment engagement buy-in supply chain value extend network


Apply principles of design thinking to changing your organisation

Align Your Organisation

alignment buy-in buy in align case business stakeholder experiment prototype


Explore next steps to iterate your design and continue to add value

Continuous Learning Loops

feedback loop launch iterate flow learn internet of things tech

The Circular Design Guide is a collaboration between the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and IDEO. To give your feedback, email us directly or join our linkedin group.

Copyright © Ellen MacArthur Foundation 2017, 2018