
Understand the needs of all the users in your chain, spot opportunities to brainstorm ideas then develop and select concepts.

Get tangible by building prototypes and learn through testing.

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Focusing in on consumers and other users across the whole system

User-Centred Research

user customer consumer design thinking ideo interview field insight human


Brainstorming ideas around the principles of circularity

Circular Brainstorming

idea ideas idea generation brainstorm concept concepting ideo


Embed feedback mechanisms to allow for continuous and agile learning

Embed Feedback Mechanisms

feedback flows internet of things iot iterate learn loops tech


Understand the breakdown of materials that go into your product

Smart Material Choices

plastic chemistry flow flowchart cradle to cradle choice material choose


Prioritise which circular concepts to take forward

Concept Selection

evaluate evaluation test principles business case viability test


Create rough & rapid prototypes to test your concept & mitigate risk

Rapid Prototyping

build make ideo think prototype create test learn iterate

The Circular Design Guide is a collaboration between the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and IDEO. To give your feedback, email us directly or join our linkedin group.

Copyright © Ellen MacArthur Foundation 2017, 2018